Exercise Rehab

Here at YS Physio we absolutely love our movement and exercise, and believe it plays a crucial role in an effective and well-rounded rehabilitation plan.

In our brand new gym facilities we will be able to guide you through a range of movements and exercises, from mobility, stretching and Pilates, through to strength and conditioning training.

If you have sustained an injury (e.g. ankle sprain, lower back pain), it is highly likely that we will be incorporating some kind of movement or exercise into your rehabilitation program. After all, movement is medicine!

We also use our gym facilities to run individualised 1:1 exercise sessions that incorporate a blend of Pilates, strength training, and/or conditioning training. This kind of offering is perfect for those looking to get fitter, quicker, stronger, and improve their performance on the field and in the gym.

If you would like to learn more about the exercise services we offer you can give us a call on 8080 8088 or send us an email at admin@ysphysio.com.

You can also click the “Book Now” button below if you would like to make an appointment.