Our Core Values:

At YSP we care a lot about creating a community where our clients feel safe, heard and valued. We know, though, that this all starts with us. This is why everyone in our YSP team strives to uphold the 5 core values we have within the clinic and this community. But we also encourage our clients to follow these values too!

1. Do the One-Percenters

In sport, the little actions (one tackle, one intercept, one pass etc.) can often result in changing the momentum of a game which could indirectly lead to winning. We understand the best results sometimes start with that little task or action (the one-percenter) that might seem insignificant, but will eventually lead to our clients having the best possible recovery. So that’s why we will continue to do those one-percenters every day!

2. Communication is Key

Communication is so important, and listening is a big part of good communication. We truly listen to our clients and strive to understand what each client wants to get out of their personal physiotherapy experience. We also ask our clients how we can help them achieve their goals and we communicate clearly and openly with them to involve them in their own rehabilitation process.

3. Take Imperfect Action

Sometimes we don’t take action because we want to do things perfectly. But there is no such thing as perfection! So always try to trust our gut, take that imperfect action, and get stuff done! That’s why we like Nike’s simple but great slogan…. Just Do It!

4. Run the Extra Mile

Running the extra mile, for us, means that we go just that little bit further in everything we do. Especially when it comes to helping our clients get back to doing the things they love. We also advise our clients to do those one-percenters, to push themselves, to set goals, to be patient, and to trust the process!

5. Show Gratitude

There’s a great quote we heard once by Brené Brown, who says ”It’s not joy that makes you grateful, it’s gratitude that makes you joyful.” We truly believe that gratitude is the key to feeling happy and living a joyous life, and that’s why we strive to show our gratitude every day, whether it be for the little things or the big things — actively practicing gratitude is the key to a joyful life.